Clarity, Unity & Adaptability
Collaborating to disrupt the inequitable status quo of our civic systems is demanding, difficult work that is made easier if the partners involved are clear, united and adapt.
Questions about “System Change”
Increased calls for “system change” — fueled by a global pandemic and growing racial and economic inequity — rarely are accompanied by clear statements about what is meant by that term and how it is achieved. If we are to achieve system change we should first ask a handful of foundational questions.
Credit, Contribution & Collaboration
The positive outcomes generated by collaborations are, of course, the fruits of the work of many. Yet, it is all too common for partners in a collaboration to take credit for those outcomes in ways that attempt to elevate their own stature and diminish the contributions of others. This need for credit can crush a collaboration.
Building a Learning Culture
Successful collaborations sustain a learning culture. Three practices help support such a culture.