What clients say about working with Chris:


“Chris has been with us since day one to make sure that I, as the backbone support, and our partners are considering and evaluating how we work together in the same way we consider and evaluate what we are working on. And, it’s worked. Our partners are beginning to think and work differently as individual partners and as members of a coalition—more importantly they understand the value in making these changes to business as usual.”

— Sarah Lowry, Healthy Community Partnership Mahoning Valley

“Chris has a great way of bringing an issue forward so we can see all sides, and he guides the work so everyone knows their role and is rowing in the same direction.”

— Ray Hexamer, Stark Economic Development Board

“Chris is brilliant at making collective impact concepts accessible, meeting community collaboratives where they are, moving them forward, and taking them to the next level.”

—Lise Levin, York Community Foundation

“Chris is an extraordinary coalition builder. He leads groups to embrace accountability and to form high-functioning partnerships.”

— Cynthia Andrews, Community Foundation of Lorain County